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JN0-360 Dumps - Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist, - Service Provider (JNCIS-SP)

354 Questions and Answers
Last Updated Date: May 15, 2024

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JN0-360 Reviews:

We had two separate setups for site office and head office located in different cities and both offices were working on individual databases and networks. Then the owner of the firm felt a need to join the two networks virtually for easy access of data and overcome the large overheads spent for sharing of certain data. For this purpose I was assigned to complete a virtual private network for both the offices. Although I successfully completed the networking of both faculties yet I needed some good learning about virtual private networks. This scenario brought me to think about taking Juniper JN0-360 exam and I started to find related material to understand VPN and virtual network system joining. Luckily I found TestBells study program designed for Juniper JN0-360 exam. It provided me the best guideline to understand exam procedure and up to date knowledge of all fields related to virtual networks. I passed Juniper JN0-360 exam very easily taking 80% marks. I am thankful to TestBells team for making this reliable study material.
Judith Cooper

After I completed post graduate diploma in virtual LAN, I decided to take a superior certification that can prove myself in the industry as networking professional. I was eager to learn about all kind of networks and the upcoming trends about setting local area networks virtually anywhere were forcing me to go for some certification that handle such issues. The Juniper JN0-360 exam is particularly dealing with VPN and LAN so I was going to attempt the exam this time. I bought TestBells question and answer based PDF for Juniper JN0-360 exam and the first chapter was really inspiring to me. I did not face any trouble to go through whole study material. This was a detailed and comprehensive guideline providing training for exam very nicely and increasing the core concepts of virtual private networks in professional manners. I easily learnt how to configure two systems located at different places and almost every aspect of switching and joining of network for proper flow of data was covered in this study pack. I comfortably passed the exam with 84% marks in first attempt. I have a bright future ahead due to this certification and it is all made possible by TestBells support.
Gretchen Holmes

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